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The Production Flow Description Language (PFDL) is a domain specific language for the description of production orders in the manufacturing of the future. With the help of the PFDL customized products and their production steps can be described. This documentation describes the PFDL itself and the PFDL Scheduler, a software which makes use of the language itself to schedule Tasks and Services.

For an overview about the concepts and architecture of the PFDL and its Scheduler visit Getting Started. Here you will be guided through the first steps of installation and the execution of a simple example file.

The PFDL section contains an introduction to the language itself. It can also be used as a reference while developing PFDL files.

If you want to use the Scheduler to parse your PFDL files and integrate it into your software, refer to the Scheduler Reference section.

Last but not least there are the examples. These can be used to better understand the concepts of the language and to show some advanced usecases that can be modeled with the language.