Leave Procedure
If a node wants to leave the network it first has to call the initiateSelfDeparture
It nay need a successor node, which it can find using FIND_REPLACEMENT
messages are directed in an equivalent way as described for the join algorithm.
When a node notices that it can leave its position without any violations, it sends a REPLACEMENT_OFFER
message to the leaving node.
The leaving node accepts the offer by sending back a REPLACEMENT_ACK
to the replacing node.
This message contains all routing information about the leaving node, so that the replacing node can reconstruct the routing information without any additional messages.
As soon as the REPLACEMENT_ACK
message was sent, the leaving node has no reponsibilities anymore and has officially left the network.
Then the replacing node has the reponsibility to rebuild everything by firstly leaving its own position and then to take in the position of the left node.
Figure 1: Leave with Replacement Sequence
Message sequence for a successful leave procedure (MINHTON Algorithm)
- (Leaving node l sends Find Replacement (80)) (If successor necessary)
- (Find Replacement (80) eventually reaches successor node s) (s can be l --> No successor necessary)
- s sends Sign Off Parent Request (82) to its parent ps
- ps sends Lock Neighbor Request (84) to its right neighbor rn_ps
- rn_ps replies with Lock Neighbor Response (86) to ps
- ps sends Lock Neighbor Request (84) to its left neighbor ln_ps
- ln_ps replies with Lock Neighbor Response (86) to ps
- ps sends Remove Neighbor (60) to its level neighbors
- Level neighbors reply with Remove Neighbor Ack (62) to ps
- ps sends Sign Off Parent Answer (88) to s
- s sends Remove Neighbor (60) to its level neighbors
- s sends Remove and Update Neighbors (90) or Update Neighbors (64) to its left adjacent la_s
- s sends Update Neighbors (64) to its right adjacent ra_s
- Level neighbors reply with Remove Neighbor Ack (62) to s
- la_s sends Remove Neighbor Ack (62) to s
- ra_s sends Remove Neighbor Ack (62) to s
- s sends Replacement Offer (92) to l
- l replies with Replacement Ack (94) to s
- Successor s (who is now at the position of the node that left!) sends Replacement Update (66) to symmetrical neighbors
- Symmetrical neighbors send Remove Neighbor Ack (62) to s
- Parent of leaving node position pl sends Replacement Update (66) to level neighbors
- Level neighbors reply with Remove Neighbor Ack (62) to pl or s (including pl replying to s)
- s sends Unlock Neighbor (96) to ps
- ps sends Unlock Neighbor (96) to rn_ps and ln_ps
Updating Network for Leave without Replacement
The leaving node must handle the updating of the network itself. For this the node has to send REMOVE_NEIGHBOR
messages to each neighbor who knows the node (not its routing table neighbor children, but also its routing table neighbor parents).
To the routing table neighbor parents has to be sent via SearchExact
, because the network information is not known.
After that the adjacent information has to be updated by linking the adjacent left and adjacent right of the leaving node together.
Updating Network for Leave with Replacement
The replacing node must handle the updating of the network.
For this the nodes who know the replacing position and those who know the removing position are crucial.
Firstly we need to send REMOVE_NEIGHBOR
messages to those nodes who know the removing position, but not the replacing position.
They only need to remove their entry of the removing position.
The nodes who know the leaving node and those who know both need to get REPLACEMENT_UPDATE
They contain information about the removing and replacing position.
The nodes who know only the leaving node only need to update their Network Information with those of the replacing node.
Those who know both need to update their Network Information and at the same time remove the entry of the removing position from their routing information.
After that the adjacent information has to be updated.
For the adjacents of the removed position the adjacent left and adjacent right need to be linked together.
We do not need to update the adjacents of the replaced position separately, because this will already be done through the REPLACEMENT_UPDATE
Figure 2: Leave with Replacement Example