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daisi::path_planning::message::NewAuthorityAGV Class Reference

#include <new_authority_agv.h>

Public Attributes

SERIALIZE(agv_ip, agv_uuid, min_acceleration, max_acceleration, min_velocity, max_velocity, load_time_s, unload_time_s, current_x, current_y, initial, current_del_dest_x, current_del_dest_y) std std::string agv_uuid
double min_acceleration
double max_acceleration
double min_velocity
double max_velocity
double load_time_s
double unload_time_s
double current_x
double current_y
bool initial = true
 True if this message is not outcome of an AGV handover.
double current_del_dest_x = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double current_del_dest_y = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()

Detailed Description

Message from AGVLogical to PickupStation to register the AGV with the pickup station (the pickup stations "takes authority" over the AGV)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: