Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Absolute | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::AcceptedProposal | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::AcceptMessage | |
Cminhton::AccessContainer | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::ActionOrder | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::ActionOrderStep | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::AGVInfo | Static and dynamic AGV information that a station needs to know |
Cdaisi::path_planning::AGVLogical | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AGVPhysicalBasic | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::AGVQueue | Single-point parking queue with unlimited space |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AlgorithmConfig | |
►Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AlgorithmInterface | |
►Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AssignmentInitiator | Algorithm for assigning tasks from a material flow to fitting AMRs. This algorithm is initiating and coordinating the procedure. There always must be a corresponding derived class from AssignmentParticipant |
►Cdaisi::cpps::logical::CentralizedInitiator | Algorithm that centrally assigns tasks of incoming material flows to the corresponding centralized participants. Should be implemented by any concrete centralized task assignment algorithm |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::RoundRobinInitiator | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::IteratedAuctionAssignmentInitiator | The initiator class for auction-based assignment, based on the TePSSI algorithm from Nunes, E., McIntire, M., & Gini, M. (2017). Decentralized multi-robot allocation of tasks with temporal and precedence constraints. Advanced Robotics, 31(22), 1193-1207 |
►Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AssignmentParticipant | Algorithm for assigning tasks from a material flow to fitting AMRs. This algorithm is participating in the procedure which is beeing coordinated by an initiator. There always must be a corresponding derived class from AssignmentInitiator |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::CentralizedParticipant | Participant of a centralized task assignment strategy. Since the task assignment strategy is defined by the central allocator, the participant only needs to handle new task assignments |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::IteratedAuctionAssignmentParticipant | This class is the counterpart of the IteratedAuctionAssignmentInitiator, particpanting in the iterated auction procedure. It must be able to process, IterationNotification, and WinnerNotification messages |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::MaterialFlowStateLogger | |
►Cminhton::AlgorithmInterface | |
►Cminhton::BootstrapAlgorithmInterface | |
Cminhton::BootstrapAlgorithmGeneral | |
►Cminhton::EntitySearchAlgorithmInterface | |
Cminhton::MinhtonEntitySearchAlgorithm | |
►Cminhton::JoinAlgorithmInterface | |
►Cminhton::JoinAlgorithmGeneral | |
►Cminhton::MinhtonJoinAlgorithm | |
CMinhtonJoinAlgorithmForTest | |
►Cminhton::LeaveAlgorithmInterface | |
►Cminhton::LeaveAlgorithmGeneral | |
►Cminhton::MinhtonLeaveAlgorithm | |
CMinhtonLeaveAlgorithmForTest | |
Cminhton::MinhtonFindEndAlgorithm | |
►Cminhton::ResponseAlgorithmInterface | |
Cminhton::ResponseAlgorithmGeneral | |
►Cminhton::SearchExactAlgorithmInterface | |
►Cminhton::SearchExactAlgorithmGeneral | |
Cminhton::MinhtonSearchExactAlgorithm | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Algorithms | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AlgorithmScenario | |
Cminhton::AlgorithmTypesContainer | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrAssetConnector | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrAssetConnector::AmrAssetConnectorImpl | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrDescription | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrDescriptionScenario | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrFleet | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrKinematics | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrKinematicsScenario | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrLoadHandlingScenario | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrLoadHandlingUnit | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrLoggingInfo | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AmrLogicalExecutionState | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrMobilityHelper | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrMobilityStatus | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrOrder | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrOrderInfo | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrOrderUpdate | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrPhysicalProperties | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrPositionLoggingInfo | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrProperties | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrPropertiesScenario | |
Cdaisi::cpps::amr::AmrStaticAbility | |
Cdaisi::cpps::amr::AmrStaticAbilityHasher | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrStatusUpdate | |
►CApplication | |
CClient | TCP client |
CServer | TCP Pong server |
Cnatter::example::Application | |
►Cns3::Application | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrLogicalAgentApplication | Wrapper to run an AMR Logical Agent as a ns3::Application |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrPhysicalAssetApplication | Wrapper to run an AMR Physical Asset as a ns3::Application |
Cdaisi::cpps::MaterialFlowLogicalAgentApplication | Wrapper to run a Material Flow Logical Agent as a ns3::Application |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::MinhtonApplication | Wrapper to run MINHTON as a ns-3 application |
Cdaisi::natter_ns3::NatterApplication | Wrapper to run natter as a ns-3 application. Only MINHCAST is supported at the moment! |
Cdaisi::path_planning::PathPlanningApplication | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::SolaApplication | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AssignmentNotification | Notification by a central initiator that a task has been assigned to the receiving participant |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AssignmentResponse | Response of a central participant as a reaction of a task assignment. Consists of the task_uuid, the acception / rejection, its connection string and of the new current status |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AuctionInitiatorState | Helper class for the IteratedAuctionAssignmentInitiator to handle and store the state of received bids and winner responses |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AuctionParticipantState | Helper struct for the IteratedAuctionAssignmentParticipant to store the state of open auction processes, calculated bids (metrics) and insertion points. Each AuctionParticipantState is only responsible for one auction process by one dedicated initiator |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AuctionParticipantTaskState | Helper struct for the IteratedAuctionAssignmentParticipant, used inside of the AuctionParticipantState, to store information related to exactly one task. This includes the previously calculated bids (metrics) and insertion points |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::BidSubmission | |
Csolanet::serializer::BinarySerializer | |
►Cminhton::BooleanExpression | |
Cminhton::AndExpression | |
►Cminhton::AtomicBooleanExpression | |
Cminhton::NumericComparisonExpression< NumericType > | |
Cminhton::PresenceExpression | |
Cminhton::StringEqualityExpression | |
Cminhton::EmptyExpression | |
Cminhton::NotExpression | |
Cminhton::OrExpression | |
Cnatter::minhcast::BroadcastInfo | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::CalcVars | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::CallForProposal | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::CentralServer | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::CentralSettings | |
Cdaisi::cpps::ChargedBattery | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Choice | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::ChoiceValue | |
Cdaisi::network_tcp::Client | |
Cdaisi::network_tcp::ClientCallbacks | |
Cminhton::ConfigNode | |
Cminhton::ConnectionInfo | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::Consensus | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::ConsensusBase< T, DataContainer > | CRTP base class for a consensus algorithm |
►Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::ConsensusBase< CentralParticipant, CentralSettings > | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::CentralParticipant | Participant/Client in the centralized client-server occupancy management |
►Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::ConsensusBase< PaxosConsensus, PaxosContainer > | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::PaxosConsensus | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Constant | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::ConstantTime | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::ContentBehavior | |
Cdaisi::CoreNetwork | Network structure with one central L3 router, forming a star topology |
Cdaisi::cpps::common::CppsCommunicator | Aggregation object holding communication related members |
►Cdaisi::cpps::CppsLoggerNs3 | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::PathPlanningLoggerNs3 | |
CDatabaseColumnInfo | |
CDatabaseTable | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::Delay | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::DeliveryStation | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::DeliveryStationInfo | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Depth | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::DestinationHash | |
►Cdaisi::datastructure::DirectedGraph< Vertex, Edge > | |
Cdaisi::datastructure::WeightedDirectedGraph< StnTaskManagementVertex, StnTaskManagementEdge > | |
►Cdaisi::datastructure::WeightedDirectedGraph< Vertex, Edge > | |
►Cdaisi::datastructure::SimpleTemporalNetwork< StnTaskManagementVertex, StnTaskManagementEdge > | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::StnTaskManagement | |
Cdaisi::datastructure::SimpleTemporalNetwork< Vertex, Edge > | |
►Cdaisi::datastructure::DirectedGraph< LPCVertex, std::monostate > | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::LayeredPrecedenceGraph | Helper class to implement the pIA algorithm. A directed graph is layered into a free, second, and hidden layer. Prioritization is neglected in this modification of the algorithm. Therefore, all tasks from the free layer are automatically auctionable |
Cdaisi::datastructure::DirectedGraph< StnTaskManagementVertex, StnTaskManagementEdge > | |
Cdaisi::Dist< T > | |
Cdaisi::Dist< uint64_t > | |
Cdaisi::Dist< uint8_t > | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::message::DriveMessage | Message that is send from PickupStation to logical AGV with drive instructions |
Cdaisi::path_planning::message::DriveMessageField | Message send from AGVLogical to AGVPhysicalBasic with a 2D coordinate |
Cminhton::DSNHandler | |
Cdaisi::network_tcp::Endpoint | |
CEvaluationInformation | |
Cminhton::core::Event | |
►Csola::EventDissemination | |
Csola::EventDisseminationMinhcast | |
Csola::EventDisseminationMinhcastConfig | |
►Cstd::exception | |
Cminhton::AlgorithmException | |
Cminhton::FSMException | |
Cminhton::InvalidMessageException | |
Cdaisi::cpps::ExecutedOrderUtilityLoggingInfo | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::FailMany | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::FailOne | |
Cdaisi::cpps::FieldMessageCpps | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::FindQuery | |
Cminhton::FindQuery | |
Cminhton::FindQueryParser | |
Cnatter::minhcast::ForwardingLimit | |
Cdaisi::network_tcp::FramingManager | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Frequency | |
►Cfsmlite::fsm | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrPhysicalAsset | Manages communication with the corresponding logical agent and execution of transport orders |
Cminhton::FiniteStateMachine | |
Cminhton::FuzzyValue | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Gaussian | |
►Cdaisi::GeneralScenariofile | |
Cdaisi::cpps::CppsScenariofile | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::MinhtonScenariofile | |
Cdaisi::natter_ns3::NatterScenariofile | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::SolaScenariofile | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::message::HandoverMessage | |
Cstd::hash< daisi::path_planning::PPVector > | |
Cstd::hash< Info > | |
►Cns3::Header | |
Cdaisi::cpps::CppsTCPMessage | |
Cdaisi::solanet_ns3::SolaMessageNs3 | |
Cminhton::core::WatchDog::Impl | |
Cnatter::minhcast::NatterMinhcast::Impl | |
Csolanet::Network::Impl | |
Csolanet::Network::Impl | |
CInfo | |
►Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AuctionBasedTaskManagement::InsertionPoint | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::StnTaskManagement::StnInsertionPoint | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::IntersectionTimeInfo | |
►Cminhton::ISerializer | |
Cminhton::serializer::SerializerCereal | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::IterationNotification | |
Cdaisi::natter_ns3::Join | |
Cminhton::JoinInfo | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::JoinMany | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::JoinOne | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::LeaveMany | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::LeaveOne | |
Cdaisi::cpps::Load | |
Cdaisi::cpps::amr::LoadCarrier | |
Cdaisi::cpps::LoadedPayload | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::Location | |
Cminhton::MessageReplacementAck::LockedStates | |
Cminhton::Logger | |
Cnatter::logging::Logger | |
Cminhton::LoggerInfoAddContent | |
Cminhton::LoggerInfoAddEvent | |
Cminhton::LoggerInfoAddFindQuery | |
Cminhton::LoggerInfoAddFindQueryResult | |
Cminhton::LoggerInfoAddNeighbor | |
Cminhton::LoggerInfoAddNode | |
Cminhton::LoggerInfoNodeState | |
Cminhton::LoggerInfoSearchExact | |
Cdaisi::LoggerInfoTestSetup | |
►Cminhton::LoggerInterface | |
Cminhton::MinhtonLoggerNs3 | |
►Cnatter::logging::LoggerInterface | |
Cnatter::logging::NatterLoggerNs3 | |
►Csola::LoggerInterface | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::SolaLoggerNs3 | |
Cdaisi::LoggerManager | |
Cminhton::LoggerPhysicalNodeInfo | |
►Cdaisi::cpps::logical::LogicalAgent | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AmrLogicalAgent | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::MaterialFlowLogicalAgent | |
Cminhton::LogicalNodeInfo | |
Cminhton::LogicalNodeInfoHasher | |
Cminhton::LogicContainer | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::LPCVertex | |
►Cdaisi::Manager | |
Cdaisi::cpps::CppsManager | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::MinhtonManager | |
Cdaisi::natter_ns3::NatterManager | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::SolaManager | Basic manager to test SOLA features standalone within simulation |
►Cdaisi::Manager< PathPlanningApplication > | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::PathPlanningManager | Manager that sets up and runs the path planning use case |
Cdaisi::cpps::MaterialFlowDescriptionScenario | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::MaterialFlowUpdate | |
Cnatter::Message | |
Csolanet::Message | |
CMessageLoggingAdditionalInfo | |
CMessageLoggingInfo | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::Metrics | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::MetricsComposition | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::MFDLScheduler | |
Cnatter::minhcast::MinhcastMessage | |
Cnatter::minhcast::MinhcastNodeInfo | |
Cminhton::Minhton | |
Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< T > | |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageAttributeInquiryAnswer > | |
Cminhton::MessageAttributeInquiryAnswer |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageAttributeInquiryRequest > | |
Cminhton::MessageAttributeInquiryRequest |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageBootstrapDiscover > | |
Cminhton::MessageBootstrapDiscover |
- Usage: A node wants to join the network but does not have access to a node's network information to send the initial Join message to. Therefore a MessageBootstrapDiscover gets send through a Multicast to discover a node's network information
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageBootstrapResponse > | |
Cminhton::MessageBootstrapResponse |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageEmpty > | |
Cminhton::MessageEmpty |
- Usage: A helper message type for the Search Exact Test. It has no functionality by itself. Not to be used outside of Search Exact Tests
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageFindQueryAnswer > | |
Cminhton::MessageFindQueryAnswer |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageFindQueryRequest > | |
Cminhton::MessageFindQueryRequest |
- Usage: A node that wants to find data in the network can call the Entity Search Algorithm, which sends MessageFindQueryRequests to the requesting node's DSNs
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageFindReplacement > | |
Cminhton::MessageFindReplacement |
- Usage: A node wants to leave the network, but cannot leave the position directly because it would violate the trees balancing conditions. Another node that can leave the position has to be found to replace the position of the leaving node. For this, the MessageFindReplacement gets forwarded (similar to Join messages) until a fitting node to replace is found
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageGetNeighbors > | |
Cminhton::MessageGetNeighbors |
- Usage: Currently only used in the join accept procedure in rare cases by the parent to get the correct adjacent neighbors for the child. The sender is giving a vector of neighbor relationships which he wants to know about from the targets routing information. The answer is supposed to be a MessageInformAboutNeighbors
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageInformAboutNeighbors > | |
Cminhton::MessageInformAboutNeighbors |
- Usage: This message is an answer to a MessageGetNeighbors. It contains the node information about the requested relationships and/or network information. The node sends the message back
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageJoin > | |
Cminhton::MessageJoin |
- Usage: When a node wants to join the network, it sends a MessageJoin to one node in the network. If the fitting join position has been found, the target accepts the node as a new child. Otherwise, the target forwards the message with the set entering node further
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageJoinAccept > | |
Cminhton::MessageJoinAccept |
- Usage: A fitting join position has been found by forwarding the MessageJoin appropriately. The target of the last MessageJoin sends a MessageJoinAccept to the entering node (new child). This message contains all information the entering node needs about its new neighbors and the network's fanout
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageJoinAcceptAck > | |
Cminhton::MessageJoinAcceptAck |
- Usage: After receiving a MessageJoinAccept, the new child must send a MessageJoinAcceptAck back to the new parent. It is needed to make sure the entering node still wants to join. Only after receiving this message, the parent node will send update messages through the network to inform the other neighbors about the joined node
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageLockNeighborRequest > | |
Cminhton::MessageLockNeighborRequest |
- Usage: The parent of a successor node sends a Lock Neighbor Request to its right and left neighbor. The receivers try to lock themselves for the leave procedure and respond with a MessageLockNeighborResponse, indicating success or failure of locking themselves
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageLockNeighborResponse > | |
Cminhton::MessageLockNeighborResponse |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageRemoveAndUpdateNeighbors > | |
Cminhton::MessageRemoveAndUpdateNeighbors |
- Usage: Used in the leave and response algorithms for updating the routing information
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageRemoveNeighbor > | |
Cminhton::MessageRemoveNeighbor |
- Usage: A node is leaving the network. This is a notification to remove the given node from the routing information
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageRemoveNeighborAck > | |
Cminhton::MessageRemoveNeighborAck |
- Usage: Is sent as a reply to either a MessageReplacementUpdate or MessageRemoveAndUpdateNeighbor to acknowledge the update of the routing information
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageReplacementAck > | |
Cminhton::MessageReplacementAck |
- Usage: The node that wants to leave the network receives a MessageReplacementOffer from a node that is willing to replace its position. As a response, the leaving node sends all of its necessary information in the MessageReplacementAck to the replacing node. After this message was sent, the node can finally leave the network
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageReplacementNack > | |
Cminhton::MessageReplacementNack |
- Usage: A MessageReplacementNack is sent back to the node to replace in case of a failure during the leave process. A failure can occur when the chosen successor is already replacing enother node or a MessageSignOffParentAnswer informed the current node about an unsucessful sign off from the parent
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageReplacementOffer > | |
Cminhton::MessageReplacementOffer |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageReplacementUpdate > | |
Cminhton::MessageReplacementUpdate |
- Usage: During the replacement process, the neighbor nodes of the leaving node / the replaced position need to get an update about the network information of the replaced position. Through the information in this message the neighbors can update the network information and eventually also remove the removed position from their information if they also have it as their neighbor
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageSearchExact > | |
Cminhton::MessageSearchExact |
- Usage: A node wants to send a message to another node in the network, but does not know the physical address, only the tree position. The Search Exact message gets forwarded into the right direction until it reaches its destination
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageSearchExactFailure > | |
Cminhton::MessageSearchExactFailure |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageSignoffParentAnswer > | |
Cminhton::MessageSignoffParentAnswer |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageSignoffParentRequest > | |
Cminhton::MessageSignoffParentRequest |
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageSubscriptionOrder > | |
Cminhton::MessageSubscriptionOrder |
- Usage: A node can send a MessageSubscriptionOrder to subscribe or unsubscribe itself from the data another node maintains for the specified keys
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageSubscriptionUpdate > | |
Cminhton::MessageSubscriptionUpdate |
- Usage: If a node's local data is modified (inserted, updated or removed), it will send a subscription update the the subscribers of the key
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageUnlockNeighbor > | |
Cminhton::MessageUnlockNeighbor |
- Usage: Used for unlocking nodes after they were locked during a concurrent operation like leave
►Cminhton::MinhtonMessage< MessageUpdateNeighbors > | |
Cminhton::MessageUpdateNeighbors |
- Usage: Informing a node about a new or updated neighbor. Used mainly in the join accept and leave procedure. The relationship of how to update the node has to be given
Cminhton::MinhtonMessageHeader | |
Cminhton::MinhtonNode | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::MinhtonScenarioSequenceStep | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::MixedExecution | |
►Cns3::MobilityModel | |
Cdaisi::cpps::AmrMobilityModelNs3 | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::MoveOrder | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::MoveOrderStep | |
Cdaisi::cpps::MoveTo | |
Cnatter::Natter< T, NodeInfoT > | |
►Cnatter::Natter< NatterMinhcast, MinhcastNodeInfo > | |
Cnatter::minhcast::NatterMinhcast | |
Cdaisi::natter_ns3::NatterScenarioSequenceStep | |
Cdaisi::cpps::Navigate | |
Cdaisi::cpps::NegotiationTrafficLoggingInfo | |
Csolanet::Network | |
Cminhton::NetworkFacade | |
Cnatter::core::NetworkFacade< T > | |
Cnatter::core::NetworkFacade< natter::minhcast::MinhcastMessage > | |
Cnatter::NetworkInfoIPv4 | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::message::NewAuthorityAGV | |
►Cminhton::NodeData | |
Cminhton::DistributedData | |
Cminhton::LocalData | |
Cminhton::NodeInfo | |
Cminhton::NodeInfoHasher | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Nodes | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::OKMessage | < OK message from all acceptors to all other participants to commit the requested occupancy |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::CentralizedInitiator::ParticipantInfo | Helper that stores all relevant information about the task assignment participants. If more specific information are necessary, use a struct that derives from ParticipantInfo |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::PaxosAcceptor | Implementation for an acceptor in the paxos consensus algorithm |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::PaxosContainer | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::PaxosProposer | Implementation for an proposer in the paxos consensus algorithm |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::PaxosReplicationManager | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::PaxosSettings | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::PeerDiscoveryAttribute | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::PeerDiscoveryEnvironment | |
Cminhton::PhysicalNodeInfo | |
Cminhton::PhysicalNodeInfoHasher | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::PickupStation | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::PickupStationHandoverInfo | Information for a pickup station about other pickup stations |
Cdaisi::path_planning::PickupStationInfo | |
Cdaisi::util::Pose | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::message::PositionUpdate | Update of the actual AGV position send from AGVPhysicalBasic to AGVLogical |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::PrepareMessage | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::PresenceBehavior | |
Cminhton::ProcedureInfo | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::PromiseMessage | |
Cdaisi::natter_ns3::Publish | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::Publish | |
Csolanet::Queue< T > | |
Csolanet::Queue< solanet::Message > | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::RandomNode | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::message::ReachedGoal | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::message::ReachedGoalField | |
Cdaisi::cpps::ReachedTarget | |
Cdaisi::cpps::ReceivedOrder | |
Cminhton::ReceiveMessage | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::ReplicationMessage | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::Request | Request message from a pickup station to the central server |
Csola::Request | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::RequestCountdown | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Requests | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::Response | Response to a request from central server to pickup station |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::ResponseMessage | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::Route | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::consensus::RouteCalculationHelper | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::RouteIdentifier | Identifier of a route from a station and point type to another station with given point type |
Cminhton::RoutingInformation | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::MinhtonManager::Scheduler | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::SearchAll | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::SearchMany | |
Cminhton::SendMessage | |
Cdaisi::network_tcp::Server | |
Cdaisi::network_tcp::ServerCallbacks | |
Csola::Service | |
Cminhton::Signal | |
Cdaisi::SocketManager | |
Csola::SOLA< StorageT, EventDisseminationT > | |
Csola::SOLA< sola::ManagementOverlayMinhton, sola::EventDisseminationMinhcast > | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::SolaScenarioSequenceStep | |
Cdaisi::cpps::SpawnDistributionScenario | |
Cdaisi::cpps::SpawnInfoScenario | |
Cdaisi::SQLiteHelper | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::StartSOLA | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Static | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::StaticBuild | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::StaticTime | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::StaticUpdate | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::StatusUpdate | Might need some revision / additions in the future |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::StatusUpdateRequest | Might need some revision / additions in the future |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::StnTaskManagementEdge | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::StnTaskManagementVertex | |
►Csola::Storage | |
Csola::ManagementOverlayMinhton | |
Cdaisi::sola_ns3::SubscribeTopic | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::Task | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::Task | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::StnTaskManagement::TaskInsertInfo | Task, the end locations, and metrics compositions for the single orders |
►Cdaisi::cpps::logical::TaskManagement | |
►Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AuctionBasedTaskManagement | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::StnTaskManagement | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::SimpleTaskManagement | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::TaskManagementHelper | |
CTestEdge | |
CTestVertex | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Time | |
Cminhton::Timeout | |
Cminhton::TimeoutLengthsContainer | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Timeouts | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::TimeWindow | |
Csola::TopicMessage | |
Cdaisi::cpps::Topology | |
Cdaisi::cpps::TopologyScenario | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::TransportOrder | |
Cdaisi::path_planning::TransportOrderInfo | |
Cdaisi::material_flow::TransportOrderStep | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::Uniform | |
Cdaisi::cpps::Unload | |
Cdaisi::cpps::UnloadedPayload | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::UpdateBehavior | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::ValidateLeave | |
Cdaisi::minhton_ns3::ValidityThreshold | |
Cminhton::core::WatchDog | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::AuctionInitiatorState::Winner | Helper struct to store information needed to send WinnerNotifications |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::WinnerNotification | |
Cdaisi::cpps::logical::WinnerResponse | |
►Cminhton::Ts | |
Cminhton::Overload< Ts > | Definition of a helper struct used for visiting variant types |